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No.8. How to relate to music. 第8回 音楽との関わり方


I have forgotten what I intended when I wrote this title. So, what shall I write?

I think that a person's relationship with music generally begins with hearing something naturally in daily life, imitating what they hear. I think that when a child hums, an adult hums, it is the first time they imitate the music they hear.

If it is not music but sound, then the sounds of daily life are also naturally acquired and memorized.

I imagine that this is how we acquire musical tastes without realizing it.

Even when we get older, we can sing the songs we learned when we were young, and it is common to remember those times.

As for how audio relates to music, I think that audio is for listening to the music we want to listen to. Although there are times when I say that the sound of a record is good or bad with my own audio, if it is a record I like, I will listen to it without worrying. Because what is important is what you listen to.

Both manufacturers and users often say that they should be faithful to the original sound, but first of all, most people do not listen to the original sound of the record... that is, at the recording site. Therefore, while we say that we are faithful to the original sound, what we do and can do is judged based on our sense of "this is the original sound". This sense will be based on the experience we have up to that point, as I mentioned at the beginning.

Also, depending on the genre you listen to, I think it will be difficult to judge something that has been electrically processed based on experience at that point.

I think the most important thing is whether we can connect with the performer.

There are many good sounds. Just like there are many delicious foods. Some people may say that there is only one original sound, but as I have said many times, we don't really know what the sound on the record is. Records are dramatized. Therefore, it is realistic to enjoy it within a certain range.

It is impossible to make all records faithful to the original sound with one device. Therefore, I think that upgrading audio is about raising the level to a level that is more than just decent.

Of course, there is a wide range of what is "decent". It is a level that can only be reached by improving one's own sense and aesthetic sense.













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